I confess I didn’t do what my therapist told me to do after my ACL surgery. I did what I had to in order to get by, but that was it. I’m regretting that decision now because my knee is tight and I’m getting hip and back pain I didn’t have before. I’ll go back to PT and see if I can get it straightened out but I thought your readers might listen to a warning from someone who didn’t listen in the first place.

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstructive surgery does require some intense and often lengthy rehabilitation to restore normal joint motion, strength, and proprioception (sense of joint position). All of these components are necessary for a strong, balanced joint that remains stable under pressure and doesn’t give way with the first uneven load placed upon it.

But there’s more to it than that. Studies show that the risk of developing osteoarthritis in the involved knee is much higher when muscles such as the hamstrings along the back of the thigh and knee and quadriceps along the front of the thigh are weak, tight, or imbalanced (one group is stronger than the other). Uneven joint loading can occur when any of these changes occur because of increased compression on some part of the joint.

When muscles are strong and contract when and how they should, the result is a smooth, coordinated motion. The muscles act as a shock absorber and dampen the forces of impact on the joint. This is especially important for athletes who rely on fast moves, sharp turns, and suddent shifts in direction. Patients who have a torn ACL and who are overweight or older than 30 have some additional risk of developing arthritis. Following an active rehab
program from start to finish is important for everyone regardless of age or active participation in sports (recreational or competitive).