My son is studying medicine thinking of being an orthopedic surgeon and wants to work with children. What type of work does that involve?

The field of orthopedics has to do with bones, muscles and other body tissue that holds the body together and helps it move. When orthopedic doctors work with seniors, younger adults or children, they will see some similar issues but many that are specific to that particular age group.

In children, it used to be that orthopedic surgeons worked with children who were born with certain disorders (congenital) or ones that developed over time (developmental). There were some accidents and traumas that would need surgery, but these weren’t as common. The pace of orthopedic surgery had its own rhythm and many surgeons enjoyed it.

As times changed, so did the practice of orthopedic surgery among children. There have been many advances in various therapies and some of the procedures that used to be a staple of pediatric orthopedic surgeons are now less commonly done. However, what is happening more often is children are coming in with orthopedic problems caused by traumas and accidents that require surgery. So, the surgeons are taking on a more trauma surgeon role. This calls for a different mind set and approach to surgery.