Is it true that it’s better to have a shoulder problem from repetitive tasks on-the-job rather than a hand problem? I’ve been told shoulders recover faster but hand problems can become chronic in a short amount of time. I actually have a shoulder, elbow, AND hand problem.

Symptoms of shoulder, elbow wrist, and/or hand pain and dysfunction from work-related repetitive tasks have been labeled as upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders (UEMS). According to the results of a recent study of UEMS, the recovery rate from these problems does depend on the site of the disorder.

Elbow pain and dysfunction have the best prognosis for recovery, whereas problems in more than one area are less likely to clear up (or take much longer to heal). Workers with multiple UEMS disorders like yourself are more likely to have persistent problems or recurrent symptoms compared with workers who have single-site involvement. Those with multiple UEMS have more pain that lasts longer.

Recovery rates for neck, shoulder, wrist, and hand fall somewhere between the results for elbow and the outcomes for multisite disorders. Older workers (defined in this study as over 30 years of age) were more likely to fall into the category of multiple UEMS compared with younger patients (under 30 years).

All of that sounds a bit negative but the information provides researchers with a spring board for action. Now they can look more closely at treatment and see which approach has the best results for single site and multiple site symptoms. And it will be possible to look at the results for each individual area (shoulder, neck, elbow, wrist, hand).