My brother and I are having an ongoing argument about the difference between boys and girls in sports. I maintain that girls who injure their ACL (like I did) get back to sports just as quickly as boys with the same injury. Of course, he is sure that if he had the same injury, he would have already gotten back into the game while I’m still in rehab.

It’s a fact that knee injuries (and especially anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears) are common among athletes. Basketball, volleyball, and soccer players seem to be at increased risk. This is probably because the actions that predispose them to injury (pivoting, cutting, twisting) are used so often in these sports activities.

As to how quickly (and successfully) male versus female athletes return to sports after ACL surgery, there are studies that show females need more rehab than men. But there are just as many studies that report no difference between men and women in terms of test results or time to return to sport.

Other factors that might make a difference are age, motivation, type of rehab program, and previous injuries. Right now the evidence is fairly limited. But most athletes want to return to their sport as soon as possible. So, more sports scientists are looking into this question as well as looking at how fast athletes can be moved through the rehab protocol.