My children are heavier than they should be. They don’t exercise much because we’re so busy. Now my son is complaining of hip pain and my mother says it’s because he’s so heavy. Is there any truth to this?

Overweight and obese children are becoming more common in Western society. The daily exercise that we used to get as kids is a lot less for the kids of today for a variety of reasons. Obesity is also a major health risk for children. Lifestyle-related illnesses, like type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, are now being diagnosed in teens or even younger children.

Your hip puts up with a lot though the course of the day. It bears all your upper body weight and must be able to twist and turn in several ways. If a body is too heavy for the hip’s capacity, then yes, problems can and do occur. It’s best that you get your son’s hips checked, as well as your other children to prevent permanent damage.