They used to do scoliosis screening in the schools when my older kids were in sixth grade. Now my younger children are coming home with letters from the school nurse saying they no longer do this and we should take our child to a medical doctor for this exam. Do I really need to make an appointment for this?

School budgets are causing cut backs in things like annual vision and hearing screening, as well as routine scoliosis screening in fifth or sixth grade. These tests are still important but they are being turned back to the responsibility of the parents.

A specific appointment may not be needed. Many local audiologists provide free hearing checks for people of all ages. For vision screening and scoliosis screening, schedule a little extra time for your child during his or her well-child check up. Let the nurse or appointment desk know of your interest in these tests.

If your child needs to go in for any other reason before the annual physical exam, be sure and bring up these tests with your primary care provider. They can easily be done during any type of exam.