When I brought my elderly mother to the doctor because of her back pain, he insisted on checking her hips and behind the joints. What on earth was he doing? She was there because her back hurt.

Back pain, especially lower back pain, sometimes isn’t as clear as we think it should be. While it makes sense to think that if your lower back hurts, it must be something in your lower back that’s causing the pain, sometimes, it’s another part of the body.

About one-quarter of people with lower back pain find out that their pain is really caused by their hips or by the sacroiliac joint, the place where your lower back meets with the pelvis.

If someone’s back pain is caused by the hips or the joint but the doctor focuses on the lower back pain, he will end up only treating the symptoms, but not the cause. The goal of treatment is to remove or treat the cause, therefore allowing the pain to go away.