If lower back pain is so common, why do doctors not know how to treat it?

Lower back pain is common – it’s one of the most common complaints of pain in the developed world. People hurt their lower back in a number of different ways, from traumas to illness or defects in the spine.

The spine is a very complicated body part and many parts of it can be injured or cause pain. In order for doctors to treat the back pain, they have to understand what caused it and where exactly the pain is. And, because there are so many causes and people react to treatment differently, even the most commonly used back treatments may not work on everyone.

If you have a slipped or bulging disc, what may help you relieve your pain may not help your neighbor who has the same problem. The issue there is how severe is the injury, how did you injure it, how long ago did you injure it, what type of work or activities do you do, how old are you, are there any other health issues, and so on.