My neighbor’s daughter, who is about a year old, has a funny brace or cast on. Her legs are spread quite wide apart and she’s been wearing it for a few weeks. My neighbor says it’s called a spica cast but she didn’t say why she has one. What are spica casts?

Spica casts are specially designed casts hold the hips and thighs firmly in place to help healing but there are several types of spica casts. Some start at the chest and cover one or both legs, while others may cover on leg on one side but only part of the leg on the other.

They used to be very heavy and cumbersome, but in many places, they are now available in a much lighter weight fiberglass material.

Spica casts are used for a few problems, such as dislocated hips in younger children. They are also used when a young child has a fracture of the femur or thigh bone.