I’ve been seeing an osteopathic physician for the last six months for chronic low back pain. She wants me to see a physical therapist now and maybe even an acupuncturist. I’m wondering if she’s run out of ideas to help me. Should I find another doctor?

Management of chronic pain is recognized as a challenging and often complex problem that requires careful management to be effective. Starting with an osteopath is a good idea to help get things lined up and restore a more normal musculoskeletal frame.

Branching out to other disciplines is often helpful. There are many health care professionals who work together smoothing the way to recovery for pain patients. Medical doctors (including osteopaths), chiropractors, physical and occupational therapists, and pharmacists are often among the core team members.

Alternative practitioners can also provide effective care. This can include massage therapists, acupuncturists, craniosacral practitioners, naturopathic physicians, Reiki therapists, and so on. If your osteopathic physician has helped you, trust her professional judgment and try this next step. It may be that your system is ready now to handle other types of care. It may help if you ask your osteopath to explain her rationale (thinking) in referring you for other services. She may have a plan of care that would make perfect sense to you.