Is it essential treat scoliosis with a brace? Can the child be left as long as the curve doesn’t look too bad?

Scoliosis, curvature of the spine, can be mild or severe, or anything between. Many people have mild scoliosis and have never been aware of it. Others have moderate scoliosis with their doctors monitoring the curves to see if they get worse.

So, treatment of scoliosis depends on how severe the curve is, how many curves there are and – importantly – if the scoliosis impacts the patient’s life.

Some curves can make the chest cavity too small for the lungs to expand properly, compromising the ability to breathe. When scoliosis affects other body parts or systems, then treatment is likely necessary.

In terms of the curve itself, generally, if the curve is less than 20 degrees, the doctor may take a wait-and-see approach.