Trigger points (TrPs) are small, painful nodules in the muscles. There is a specific and predictable pain pattern present with each active TrP. There are also latent TrPs. With a latent TrP, the pain pattern only occurs when the nodule is pressed or palpated.
TrPs occur after a long period of immobilization such as being in a cast or bedridden for a period of time. They can also occur in muscles that are overused or held in a state of contraction too long. This can occur for example in people who sit for long periods of time typing at a computer or driving a car.
TrPs can be eliminated with treatment. A commonly successful method is to stretch the muscle while applying a cold stimulus along the length of the muscle. An ice cube can be used to do this. There is also a special vapocoolant product that physical therapists use to spray the muscle. This treatment technique is called spray and stretch.
Physicians have also used injections into the TrPs as a successful means of treatment. A combination of steroid and numbing agent such as lidocaine are often used. Studies have shown that dry needling may be just as effective. This means that just stimulating the area of the TrP with a needle but no injection has been shown to work well, too.
Acupuncture has a simliar local effect on the muscles as dry needling. Acupuncture also is believed to balance the energy flow to and from the muscles. Specific studies of acupuncture on TrPs are needed. It may help some people more than others. Finding out who might benefit the most would be helpful in guiding and directing patients with TrPs (and MPS) in choosing the best treatment for them.