My teen-age son has arthritis and is often in a lot of pain. This affects his sleep but he refuses to take anything to help him sleep. How can I help him?

Insomnia strikes many people, particularly those who experience chronic pain. Studies have shown that there is also a component of worry, thinking that if they relax and try to sleep, the pain may get worse.

If your son does not want to take any medication to help him sleep, there are some tips he may try to help promote sleep.

– Meditation and relaxation: people who learn how to meditate and relax on demand may find it easier to fall asleep

– Sleep hygiene: the bedroom should only be for sleeping, not for watching tv, playing video games, or working on the computer. A calm, peaceful environment can promote sleep.

– Lighting and temperature: be sure the bedroom is dark enough to induce the feeling of wanting to sleep and the room is comfortable.

– Bed is for sleeping: don’t stay in bed if you’re not asleep.

– Food: don’t eat just before bed, stay away from caffeine (food or drinks) after late afternoon

– Routine: establish a calming routine just before bed so your body associates certain actions with the time to start winding down.

– Comfort: ensure the pillow and mattress are comfortable.

– Schedule: go to bed the same time every night, including weekends. Get up around the same time every morning, this can help put your body into the right routine.