All three of our children started complaining of back pain when they started attending high school. Is there some link here? Is it just the psychologic stress of switching from middle school to high school?

Studies show that the risk of back pain increases with age. Most children between the ages of 14 and 17 have reported LBP at least once. Psychosocial factors are often part of the picture with low back pain (LBP) in adolescents. Depression is one possible cause.

Other risk factors for LBP in this age group include family history, rapid growth, and smoking. Studies have not been able to link obesity, length of trunk, or spinal flexibility with back pain.

Researchers have also looked at the school furniture used by this age group. There have been some suggestions that poorly or improperly adjusted tables, chairs, and desks are part of the problem. But this has not been proven conclusively.

A bigger problem and more likely cause of back pain in this age group is the back pack. Children often carry up to 30 pounds in their back packs. Slinging it over one shoulder or carrying it in one hand can put an uneven load on the spine leading to LBP.