My mother-in-law is insisting that she wants surgery to fuse her spine in a straight position. Mom has always had a mild case of scoliosis. It seems to be getting worse as she gets older. What do you recommend?

Scoliosis or curvature of the spine in older adults can present with some unique kinds of problems. For some patients, the aging process affects bone quality. Degenerative effects in the bones can make her scoliosis worse.

As the spine twists and rotates, the soft tissues must change to conform to the new spine position. This can cause painful muscle spasms. Some people have trouble finding a comfortable position. They may have trouble sleeping at night. If the curve is severe enough, the heart, lungs, and other organs start to get pulled or compressed.

Surgery can be done to stabilize the spine but it is not the first line of treatment. Surgeons tend to be very conservative when it comes to the treatment of adult scoliosis. Complication rates are higher for patients having this type of operation.

Bone quality is often marginal at best. Operating on bones with poor quality can cause more problems than it solves. Conservative care may be helpful. Your mother-in-law may be a good candidate for a brace to help support her spine. Physical therapy to strengthen the muscles and improve posture can also help.

With your mother-in-law’s permission, you can discuss all available options with her doctor. He or she may already have in mind the best approach for the specific problem, age of the patient, and functional status.