My nephew was born with a clubfoot. What exactly are clubfeet and what causes them? Do they have to be treated if they don’t seem too bad?

A clubfoot is a relatively common birth defect; about half the time, both feet are affected. A child with clubfeet will have his feet turned inwards to the point that if he could stand, he would be standing on his outside ankles. Clubfeet are more common in boys than in girls.

Some children have no other problems beside the clubfeet while others may have disorders like spina bifida, or “hole in the spine.” Although doctors don’t really know what causes clubfeet, it does seem to run in families.

If a child with clubfeet isn’t treated, his walking will be affected and could develop a host of other problems with his legs and hips. As well, the outside of the foot isn’t meant for that type of weight-bearing so injuries to the ankles would be a concern.