I had surgery to remove a disc at L45 last year. Before that, I did a long program of antiinflammatories and exercises with a physical therapist. I’m still not really back to normal. There are things I don’t feel comfortable trying. Sometimes I have back pain for several hours to several days. Will I ever get back to normal?

Many studies are attempting to measure the results after different kinds of treatment for lumbar disc protrusion. Some studies compare the results of patients receiving treatment with people who have never had back pain.

It looks like patients after back surgery for a discectomy (disc removal) don’t really get back to normal. There is often a residual loss of function and quality of life. The researchers are careful to match patients and healthy subjects by age so they get a more accurate picture of each age group.

It’s possible that a rehab program after discectomy is needed. Studies have not been done before and after to show if rehab would make a difference. And studies are needed to identify which program works the best.

There may be other factors to consider. For example, what is the influence of age on recovery? What’s the ideal duration of program needed for the best results? Who can benefit the most?

Until we know more about this, you may want to pursue an individualized rehab program. A physical therapist can help you plan such a program based on your particular needs. If you stick with it long enough, you may be able to progress to a fitness program and possibly prevent future problems from occurring.