How common is scoliosis?

Scoliosis, or curve in the spine, is more common than many people realize. While we all have some curves in our back, about three out of 10 people have scoliosis. More girls have scoliosis than boys. It can run in families, or it can appear in one child in a family that has never seen it. If someone in your family has scoliosis, you or your children have a 20 percent chance of also having it. Children with certain physical disabilities can be more prone to developing scoliosis too.

If someone in your family has scoliosis, it’s a good idea to watch your children carefully and to advise your family doctor. Most scoliosis is only seen when children are between 10 and 14 years old because it develops slowly. If your doctor is watching for it, the curves may be caught early, helping treatment begin earlier.

Scoliosis can also appear in adults, although most often, it’s childhood scoliosis that wasn’t detected earlier.