I just came back from my doctor’s office. After examining my shoulder, she said that I have boomeritis. I’ve heard of bursitis, but what’s boomeritis?

There’s been a dramatic increase in the number of exercise- and sports-related injuries in adults aged 50 to 60. Since most of these adults were born during the post World War II baby boom era, these problems are being referred to as boomeritis.

Tacking the ending or suffix: itis on a word indicates inflammation. So a bursitis would refer to inflammation of the bursa in a joint. Boomeritis is just a nickname for who (you, the baby boomer) and what (inflammation from overuse) but doesn’t identify the true underlying problem. You could have a bursitis, shoulder impingement problem, or tendinitis.

If you are unclear about your problem and what to do about it, don’t hesitate to call your physician back and discuss your situation further.