What is lumbago? I thought it was an old term from my parent’s generation but I my brother says that’s what’s causing his back pain.

Lumbago is a term still used to refer to low back pain. Lumbago can also include low back pain that goes into the buttocks, thigh, and then down the leg. It may be on one or both sides, depending on the cause. Patients who report just leg pain are usually diagnosed with sciatica rather than lumbago.

Lumbago may be caused by many different problems. If a specific cause of the pain can be determined, then the diagnosis is usually named by the more precise etiology. For example, disc herniation or degenerative disc disease can cause lumbago but would probably be named by the disc problem.

When back pain is difficult to assess, lumbago is an acceptable term to describe the problem. Muscle strain or other soft tissue problem is often the cause of nonspecific back pain referred to as lumbago.