My 79-year old mother has quite a bit of back pain but she says ‘pain is no reason to see the doctor.’ We’re quite concerned about her. Could this be something serious?

Back pain in older adults (65 years old and older) is often caused by a condition called spinal stenosis. This is a narrowing of the spinal canal where the spinal cord and spinal nerves travels from the brain down to the low back area.

Persistent low back pain (LBP) is always a red flag, especially in older adults. Even if it is not a life-threatening problem like cancer, pain can cause weakness and loss of balance.

In older adults, these factors lead to inactivity and potentially disability. Getting up from a chair can become a difficult task. A loss of balance and fall can result in hip (or other bone) fracture.

A medical examination to determine the cause is really advised. Once you and your mother know what the root cause is of her symptoms, then a decision can be made about what action to take.

It isn’t always necessary to “put up with” pain. Sometimes a simple analgesic for pain control is all that’s needed. In other cases, an antiinflammatory drug may be prescribed. A physical therapist can help your mother improve her strength and balance and thus prevent falls and fractures.

Staying healthy and active as long as possible is most every senior citizen’s goal. Perhaps if you approach it from this point of view, your mother will be more willing to see her doctor.