I’m concerned about my wife. We’ve both been in good health but lately I notice she’s doing less and less. I can’t see anything wrong exactly. We know she has spinal stenosis but that’s about it. Could this be causing her gradual decline?

The effects of aging aren’t always easy to pinpoint. Lumbar spinal stenosis (a narrowing of the spinal canal) can put pressure on the spinal nerves causing pain and disability.

If the condition is gradual enough, the patient may accommodate or get so used to the pain. He or she doesn’t realize it’s affecting their everyday lives. Little by little their balance and strength is affected. Activities (even daily activities) can become more difficult.

Disability is a complex problem. It’s not entirely clear what causes disability in one person while another (with the same factors) isn’t disabled at all. More research is needed into the cause and effect of spinal stenosis and other factors leading to disability.

A visit with her doctor may be the next best step. A physical exam may answer some of your questions. It could be something as simple as a urinary tract infection and not related to the spinal stenosis at all. Or it may be the stenosis is becoming more bothersome in which case further treatment may be advised.