I’ve seen several people using magnets for their back pain. Is there anything to this? I would sure try it if I thought it would help.

Experts who say magnets can help don’t promise a cure, but relief from painful symptoms and an increased level of comfort. Used as directed around painful sites or over acupuncture points or trigger points, they seem to be effective for many people. However, there is no scientific proof that they do anything.

Magnets have been used by all kinds of people for all kinds of painful problems from arthritis to tendonitis. Football players tape them against their ankles and runners put them inside their shoes. Sleep-deprived individuals and people with chronic headaches can buy a special magnetic mask to wear over the eyes or forehead.

The magnets are worn until the patient gets relief from the symptoms. There is no apparent downside to wearing them all the time. Although there is no proof that the magnets work, there is also no evidence that they don’t work. For many patients, magnets offer a simple solution to using narcotics and other addictive drugs.

Magnets should not be used by anyone with a pacemaker, metal implants, or drug infusion pump without a physician’s approval first. Pregnant women are advised not to use them. Magnets should not come in contact with electric blankets, heating pads, credit cards, or computers.