It’s true that golfing can be hazardous to your health! Female golfers are more likely than male golfers to sustain golf injuries, especially involving the low back. Muscle strain is common and is often attributed to overuse.
Technical error is also a likely source of injury. It may be a good idea to spend a little of your time off work taking golf lessons. Using the proper form can go a long way in reducing muscle fatigue and protecting your joints.
Sudden or rapid change in club speed can put you at risk for injury. Set up your shot and follow through. Don’t let advice from fellow golfers change your style mid-stroke.
And always arrive at the golf course early enough to get in five or 10 minutes of a warm up and some practice shots at the driving range. With a proper warm up, you are less likely to injure yourself and it gives you time to get your mind and thoughts in the right perspective for the business at hand.