Is it true that I don’t have to restrict my activities now that I’ve had a lumbar disc removed? I’ve gotten so used to not bending over, vacuuming, or lifting, I’m not sure I can allow myself to start doing those things again.

Studies have confirmed that activity restriction isn’t needed after a disc is removed. The operation is called a discectomy. It’s usually done for painful disc herniation.

Using your back during ordinary activities of daily life will not do any harm to the back if you follow some basic guidelines. First, you must have your surgeon’s approval to resume all normal activities. Patients shouldn’t be too cautious and afraid to move but they should also wait until healing has occurred and the surgeon gives the “go ahead”.

Once you are medically cleared, you can start doing everyday activities such as vacuuming, sports activities, and lifting. Try each activity slowly and gradually build up to full speed. Research shows that it’s best to bend your back when lifting light objects and to bend your knees when lifting heavy items.

Specific exercises may be prescribed to help strengthen your core trunk and abdominal muscles. Other exercises to improve endurance and coordination may help you get over any fear avoidance behaviors you may have. For example, it’s common for patients with chronic back pain to avoid activities and movement because they are afraid it will cause their back pain to start or get worse. Over time avoiding movement actually increases pain and stiffness.