Our six-month old son seems to prefer to keep his right thumb tucked inside his palm. We can open his hand but he doesn’t open it on his own. Will he outgrow this problem?

Your child may have a condition called trigger thumb. The joints of the thumb may be stuck in flexion. Another term for this is flexion contracture.

Several studies have been done to identify the nature of this problem. Is it congenital or does it develop as the child grows? The results of a recent study in Japan suggest that trigger thumb is not present at birth but occurs later. Some children develop trigger thumb in the first 12 months. For others, the onset was in the second or even third year.

Occasionally trigger thumb is linked with a chromosomal anomaly like trisomy 13. Regardless of the cause, treatment is required. Early intervention may take care of the problem. Surgery is needed when exercise, positioning, and splinting don’t work.