My nephew has just been diagnosed with neuromuscular scoliosis. We don’t want to ask the family too many questions. Can you tell us what causes this problem?

Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine. There are two main types of scoliosis. The first is called idiopathic scoliosis or IS. The cause of IS is unknown. It appears to affect adolescent girls more often than boys. The children with this type of scoliosis are in good health otherwise.

The second type of scoliosis is called neuromuscular scoliosis or NMS. There is usually an underlying systemic illness or other disease with this kind of scoliosis. Children with genetic conditions, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, or spina bifida often have NMS.

Your family may welcome a chance to talk with someone close about this problem. If the time seems right, you may want to ask for an explanation of what the diagnosis means. Other questions such as, “Are there any other problems that come with neuromuscular scoliosis?” may help draw them out. Even if you are far away from the family, expressing interest and concern are often very helpful during this stressful time of a new diagnosis.