When our daughter was diagnosed with scoliosis they told us she would probably grow out of it. Now her curve is 40 degrees and she’s in a brace. What if this doesn’t work?

There are different types of scoliosis or curvature of the spine. The most common in older children and adolescents is called adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS). Idiopathic means the cause is unknown.

Most children with AIS are faced with a primarily cosmetic problem (how it looks). The curve rarely progresses to become severe enough to cause problems with breathing and function.

Once the curve moves past 30 degrees some kind of medical treatment is advised. Bracing to stop the curve from getting worse is usually the first approach. If that doesn’t work then spinal fusion to prevent deformity may be needed.

Doctors follow patients with AIS carefully. If the child is still growing and the curve is getting worse rapidly then bracing is started. If the same conditions persist then surgery is planned. The best thing your daughter can do to avoid surgery is to wear the brace as presribed — usually 23 hours/day.