What is multi-disciplinary rehab? My doctor wants me to take this kind of treatment for my low back pain. What is it exactly?

Each center that provides care for chronic pain offers a little something different. A multidisciplinary rehab (MR) approach means that the patient benefits from many different ways of coping. The goal usually isn’t to “cure” the patient. Many times the goal isn’t even to reduce pain.

The purpose of a MR program is to improve function and help patients cope with their pain. The team members teach the patients about their back pain and help lessen the fear and worry that comes with chronic pain.

The team is often made up of a doctor, nurse, physical and/or occupational therapist, social worker, and psychologist. You may find yourself practicing relaxations techniques, exercising, and stretching. You may be taking a class or two on anatomy. Stress management is often a key part of the MR program.

Individual plans are aimed at improving the patient’s attitude and improve self-care. In short the idea is to cope better with ongoing, bothersome pain. Studies show this type of treatment works well for many people. They have fewer lost work days and improved function. Many people also report an increased sense of well-being and satisfaction.