I’m a nurse with a new job. I just started working in a pain clinic with chronic low back pain patients. The clinic uses a survey called the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure (COPM). What can you tell me about this?

The COPM was developed to help patients find out what their problems are. Then it is used to measure their progress with treatment. It is focused on work performance and worker satisfaction with their performance.

Three areas are measured: self-care, productivity, and leisure. Self-care includes getting on and off the toilet, ability to walk or drive, and other activities such as stair climbing, standing, and lying down.

Productivity measures work tasks, the ability to shop or garden, and other jobs such as taking care of children, pets, and family. Leisure includes hobbies, sexual activity, going out for fun, and joining friends in various activities.

The COPM can be used to measure progress in treatment. Changes in scores of two or more are significant. The patient’s satisfaction with activities performed is also measured (separately).