The issue of breathing while lifting is important. Studies show lifting increases the pressure inside the stomach. This is called the intra-abdominal pressure (IAP).
Increased IAP puts pressure on the discs in the spine. Activity in the muscles of the back also increases.
Some researchers think the increased IAP supports and stabilizes the spine. They view the pressure like a rigid cylinder around the body. It’s not clear if the increased stability comes from the increased IAP or from the effect of increased IAP on the back muscles.
A recent study from the Division of Physical Therapy at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York looked at the effect of breath control on IAP. They found that inhaling and holding the breath increases the IAP the most. The type of breathing used doesn’t seem to affect when the IAP goes up, just how much it increases.
Other types of breathing (natural, inhale/exhale, and exhale/hold) all had the same effect on IAP. Until more information is available, use one of these methods instead of the inhalation before/hold while lifting method.