I’m 66-years old and have a lifelong fear of closed-in spaces. I need an MRI of my shoulder, but I’m afraid to get inside the machine. Is there any other way to get the same information without an MRI?

Technology is changing and improving everyday. Rotator cuff sonography
(ultrasound) is an imaging study that can be done in the doctor’s office. It doesn’t require radiation, dyes, or lying inside a machine.

Doctors like it because it’s easy to use and portable. A round head (transducer) is moved over the surface of the shoulder. Sound waves are passed through the body and bounce off
the bone. This forms a picture of the soft tissue structures in question.

The patient can see what’s wrong as the test is being done. The doctor can ask you to
move your arm in positions that make the pain better or worse. This helps identify exactly which tissue is torn or damaged.

Ultrasound doesn’t work well to show tears of the cartilage in or around the shoulder. Likewise problems with the joint surface aren’t clear enough for a diagnosis. MRI may still be needed for these types of injuries.