Plumbism is a chronic form of lead poisoning caused by lead or lead salts absorbed into the body. The word plumbing is derived from plumbum, Latin for lead.
The symbol for lead (Pb) is an abbreviation of its Latin name plumbum.
Lead occurs naturally in the environment at very low levels. Higher levels of lead was present in car exhaust before 1980. Older paints contained lead as did some dinnerware, birdshot, and fishing weights.
In the past, toothpaste tubes were even lined with lead. Condensed milk used to come in cans soldered with lead. This has all been changed now. Lead has been removed from most
products. It can still be found in drinking water from homes with pipes soldered with lead solder. New building codes require lead-free solder.
Infants and children most at risk are those living in pre-1960’s housing where paint often contained lead. Small children often ingest paint chips or dust from lead based paint. Soil in cities with high traffic density may still contain high levels of lead
from car exhaust.