When I was in high school we always did strength training using weights. Everything was done in three sets of 10 repetitions for each exercise. Is this still the standard way to exercise?

In some cases, yes. Exercise training to increase muscle strength and endurance still uses this basic formula. Usually the person looks for a weight that allows him or her to do 10 repetitions without stopping and with good form.

Each exercise is done at the same speed and slowly enough to give muscle fibers time to contract. The amount of weight and number of repetitions can be increased over time. Increase the weight and reps as much as you can while still using proper form and without soreness afterwards.

Other exercise programs are being developed specific to each sport, injury, or disease. Many studies are underway to find exercises that work best for each one of these. The standard three sets of 10 reps may not be best when exercise is used to prevent or treat diseases. For example, heart disease or cancer must be treated with exercise using a very different approach.