I’ve heard that you should stretch every muscle at least a full minute before jumping into an athletic or sports activity. Is this true?

When and how to stretch continues to be the center of research and debate. Some say a long, slow static (holding steady) stretch is best. Others suggest using a more relaxed approach by stretching through movement such as Tai Chi.

Many people practice the theory “no pain, no gain” by holding a stretch as long as possible at the point of pain and discomfort. It’s likely that a more moderate approach works best. A recent Canadian study showed that acute stretching (45 seconds to the point of discomfort, repeated three times) actually reduces balance and skill right after stretching.

Riding a stationary bicycle for five minutes before activity gave better results all around. Most people (athletes included) don’t have the time to stretch every muscle. But the increased body heat and blood supply from the bike activity can improve balance and reaction time.

Specific gentle but prolonged stretching can be done at the end of the activity. Try to relax into the stretch when exhaling or breathing out.