No one knows for sure why tendonitis occurs at just a certain moment. We don’t know why one person gets it while another doing the same job doesn’t have any problems. It’s likely that the repeated motions are part of the problem. But since not everyone gets
into trouble, there must be other factors.
Researchers think some people have a slower blood supply and less lubrication to that area. The result is high friction. The tendon gets abraded and ruptures. In some people the shape of the bone under the tendon might have something to do with it. If the tendon
moves back and forth over the same spot, it might rub and begin to fray.
Any of these problems can cause tendon surface damage over time. Inflammation starts. Enzymes destroy the natural lubricating fluid around the tendons. This increases friction
and damage and sets up a vicious cycle of more inflammation, more friction, and less lubrication.
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