What can you tell me about the new heat wraps I hear advertised on the radio? Are these safe? Can’t the skin get burned wearing this for so many hours?

Studies show heat wraps are well tolerated by users. There are no serious problems. Sometimes minor skin redness occurs. This will go away when the wrap is removed. The wrap can even be worn to bed at night.

One of the major advantages to the new heat wraps is the ability to move while wearing the wrap. Standard heating pads require the person to stay immobile in a chair or bed. The heat wraps don’t have a cord and don’t have to be plugged in. The heat wrap has small discs made of natural chemical ingredients that heat up when exposed to air.

It’s likely that part of the therapeutic benefit of the heat wrap is that it allows patients to have continuous, low-intensity, heat while still doing normal daily activities. The benefits of the heat wrap last even after the wrap is removed.