I hurt my left shoulder playing soccer and went to see the doctor for some tests. One of the tests was just like hurting it all over again. This can’t be good for the injury. Why do they do that?

The best way to treat a shoulder injury is to find out exactly what’s wrong. Shoulder injuries can cause tears of the tendons, ligaments, and capsule. Damage to the cartilage rim around the socket (labrum) is also possible.

There are different tests for each structure. Sometimes “stressing” the shoulder with a particular movement or position causes extreme pain or apprehension. This gives the
doctor a lot of information about what’s going on inside the joint. In the hands of a good clinician, you’re “safe” with these tests. In other words, the skilled tester won’t let the injury get worse.

The only way to confirm the exact cause is to do an arthroscopic exam. This is a simple operation but still a surgical procedure. There are always risks and possible problems when under anesthesia. Tests of motion, strength, and joint integrity before the arthroscopy help guide the doctor. The injury can be found quickly and likely repaired at the same time.