Sometimes I like to read science journals at the library. I notice a lot of studies are done using rats, dogs, pigs, and other animals. How do they use this information for humans?

Good question. Research often begins with animals in a controlled setting under strict guidelines. A review committee or ethics board must approve the study first. Guidelines for the care and treatment of lab animals are followed.

The metabolic rate and life cycle of each animal is compared to humans. For example, when it comes to tissue healing, a week in the life of a rat is equal to about a month in a human. This gives scientists an idea how long healing might take place in a human after each intervention based on the results in rats.

Study results on animals help scientists decide if similar studies should be done on humans. Sometimes the outcome of animal studies clearly shows that human studies aren’t needed. In other cases, a small number of humans may be tested. If more study is needed, then clinical trials are started in humans. This step is needed before allowing a drug or other treatment to be used on the general human population.