I’ve just joined an adult tennis league. I haven’t played tennis since I was on my high school tennis team. I can’t use the backhand stroke unless I use both hands. How can I train to get back to a single-hand backstroke?

You may not need to. A two-handed backhand increases the strength of rotation in your trunk. This gives you greater strength for the stroke while protecting your back during the swing.

A recent study of 109 elite tennis players included 55 females. In that group, less than 3 percent used a one-handed backhand. Trunk strength measured from side to side and between men and women showed women have greater trunk strength and muscle endurance using this method.

Experts say there are some advantages to the two-handed backhand. It gives the player a shorter backswing. This gives a quick and powerful return of the serve. It’s also a good shot when the ball comes close into your body.

Many of today’s players actually prefer a two-handed stroke. It’s to your advantage if you can control the power with accuracy.