I’ve heard that medications can increase the risk of falls in older adults. My father seems to be falling quite a bit lately. He does take a fair amount of drugs for his heart. Which ones might be the culprit?

The risk of falling can increase for anyone (especially older adults) taking certain drugs. Many medications have side effects that can cause dizziness or lightheadedness.

High blood pressure. Heart disease. Allergies. Insomnia. Too much stomach acid. Depression. These are just a few of the conditions treated with medications that are linked with falls.

aking multiple over-the-counter or prescribed medications along with alcohol or cough suppressants can be dangerous. Medications for insomnia or sleep disturbance and painkillers are two more to add to the list.

The best way to approach this problem may be to arrange an appointment for you and your father with his physician. Take all of his medications with you and ask the doctor to review them. His doctor can also rule out other possible causes of falls and get to the bottom of the problem before something serious happens from a fall.