Does taping help with the painful symptoms of patellofemoral pain syndrome? I’m trying to find a way to stay active despite the pain.

Taping the kneecap in place is often suggested as a treatment method for patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS). This helps keep the kneecap (patella) in good alignment as it moves up and down.

Many studies have been done to see if taping works for PFPS. Some show no effect while many others say taping reduces pain right away. Still other research shows taping works no matter how it’s applied.

This last finding suggests it’s not the position of the patella (knee cap) that makes a difference. Perhaps the taping improves the patellofemoral joint position sense called proprioception. Or maybe it helps the muscle contract more fully pulling the kneecap back into proper alignment.

If taping doesn’t work, there are other treatment choices that can be tried.