Years ago a torn meniscus was just taken out. Since then we’ve discovered just how important this little C-shaped piece of cartilage is. Saving it and restoring the joint is the focus of treatment for knee meniscal injuries today.
Surgeons try to return patients to their former activity level. They understand the need to avoid future joint surgery.
One of the today’s more exciting developments in joint restoration is cartilage regeneration and transplantation. Cartilage transplants aren’t for everyone yet. Right
now younger, active patients with good joint alignment are the best candidates. They’ve either had 50 percent or more of the meniscus already removed or there’s a recent tear that can’t be repaired for some reason.
Cartilage transplantation isn’t offered everywhere. You’re in luck because the New York City area does have surgeons who are doing this type of work. You can go on-line and Google the words: ‘meniscus transplant New York City’ and find the centers that offer this service near you.