I heard that worrying can actually keep me from getting over my neck pain. Is this true? There’s no doubt I am a worrier.

Worrying is considered a passive coping strategy. It doesn’t really lend any practical ways to deal with or change a situation.

Many experts suggest that 99 percent of the things we worry about never happen. The opposite may be equally true: the things we don’t worry about DO happen.

Worrying is thought to cause a state of preoccupation with bodily symptoms. This sets up a vicious cycle of worry, pain, disability, and more worry. Studies show a poor outcome in neck and back pain patients who worry.

Good general health is a predictor of recovery. If you are in good health but have some neck or back pain, you can expect to do well. A history of past neck or back pain is more likely to delay your recovery. The same is true for waiting too long to get help for your problem.