I’m doing a high-school science project on back pain. I read a report that there are at least 37 different causes of back pain. It didn’t say what those are. Can you tell me some of them?

The National Spine Network (NSN) collects data from patients with back pain and from doctors who treat back pain. They have seven main groups of back pain diagnoses.

These include herniated disc, spinal stenosis, spondylosis, sprain or strain, pain syndrome, deformity, and “other.” Some of these groups list a variety of conditions.

For example deformity includes scoliosis, Scheuermann’s disease, and congenital problems. “Other” includes infection, fracture, dislocation, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis,
and tumor. “Other” even lists “other diagnosis” to cover anything that might not be listed.

This should give you a place to start. Once you look up some of these problems you’re sure to come across some others. These seven groups cover most common back problems seen on a day-to-day basis in the doctor’s office.