I see lots of reports that moderate activity is what’s needed for good health. I walk about two and a half miles in 45 minutes four times a week. Is that enough?

No one knows for sure just how much is “enough” or the “right” amount. Is there a certain frequency, intensity, and duration of exercise that works best to prevent diabetes? A different amount for heart disease? Something else for cancer?

Researchers are actively exploring these kinds of questions. In the meantime, walking can be broken down into four activity groups:

  • 2.0 miles per hour (mph) = casual pace
  • 2.0 to 2.9 mph = normal, average pace
  • 3.0 to 3.9 mph = brisk pace, moderate activity
  • 4.0 or faster mph = very brisk activity

    It looks like you are in the moderate activity zone. Keep up the good work! You may want to consider carrying light weights (one to two pounds) while walking to increase muscle tone and reduce the risk of osteoporosis (at least in the upper body).