Two years ago I had a hamstring graft to repair a torn ACL. There was a lot of controversy then over whether a hamstring or patellar tendon graft was better. I’m still wondering if I made the right choice. What’s the latest thinking on this issue?

If you are satisfied with the results then you have nothing to regret or wonder about.

Researchers agree the two methods have equally good results. There may be complications
from time to time. These differ between the two types of repair.

The hamstring graft is a little nicer looking cosmetically. It gives a strong graft fixation early on. The hamstring may not be able to tolerate motion right away.

The patellar graft seems to help athletes get back into high-level action more often.

There are still some problems with kneeling and quadriceps muscle weakness after a patellar tendon graft.

Overall patients report satisfaction with function and results after either type of graft repair.