I injured my knee in a biking accident. The arthroscopic exam showed a torn ACL and MCL. I tore my other ACL several years ago so I know the rehab can take many months. Will having a second injured ligament prolong the rehab time?

In most cases…yes. Combined injuries can be complex. One damaged ligament can affect the healing of others. Joint instability can be worse with two deficient ligaments.

Fortunately, the medial collateral ligament (MCL) tends to heal quickly and even restores some stability to the joint. A torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is less likely to heal with enough strength to restore joint function.

Your past experience with rehab is to your advantage. As they say, “you know the drill.” Since you know what to expect you’ll have a better idea when the rehab program can be progressed. Working with a knowledgeable physical therapist should help keep you on track.

With so much damage to the joint, it’s best not to push yourself past what the healing tissue can handle. For the best result, follow your doctor’s and your therapist’s guidelines.