I see Yoga is all the craze for us senior citizens now. Why is yoga any better than my regular walking program?

People of all ages, but especially seniors at risk for age-related changes, are encouraged to keep active. A walking program is one excellent way to do this.

Yoga is another form of exercise with a slightly different approach and results. A combination of walking and gentle yoga may be the best option for many people.

Studies have shown yoga can improve strength, flexibility, and balance. These three factors can reduce the risk of falls for older adults. Yoga has also been shown to improve grip strength, reduce pain, and increase motion for folks with arthritis of any kind.

A gentle program of yoga can be done by anyone with chronic pain, illness, or disability. Yoga has been shown to improve mood and sleep patterns.

With all these proven benefits everyone should try it at least for a short time. Continued improvement in walking patterns has been linked with doing yoga over a longer period of time.