I am a diabetic on medication for my diabetes. I’ve heard that yoga can help me get off my drugs. Is this true?

Yoga is an ancient Indian practice for the body, mind, and spirit. It’s been around since 2000 B.C. but is now gaining in popularity in the West.

Yoga is said to be a way to relieve stress, improve balance and strength, and even improve your sex life. In actual fact, the breathing and postures do help improve blood flow, balance, strength, and much more.

Several studies in older adults have shown yoga can improve metabolism. Reducing medication use can occur as a result. Overall health benefits for diabetes have been shown as well. Improved cardiovascular function is an important benefit since diabetes affects the blood vessels.

A few studies have shown reduced use of medication is possible for patients with diabetes who practice yoga on a regular basis. You have nothing to lose and many possible benefits to gain, so give it a try!